Basic Principles which are key to the understanding of predictive astrology

The key to predictive astrology is the transit of the planets and the aspects they make to the natal, solar arc, and progressed planets and points.

The aspects that the planets’ transits are making are indicative of the conditions that you will meet in life in relation to the domains of life associated with the houses concerned and the intrinsic nature of the planets themselves.

The transits to look at are :

  • A transiting planet making an aspect to another transiting planet
  • A transiting planet making an aspect to a natal planet or point
  • A transiting planet making an aspect to a solar arc planet or point

The aspects that the solar arc planets are making to the natal planets and points are also indicative of the conditions you will meet in life.


The transits and the solar arc cycles are indicative of the conditions linked to the outside world that you will meet in life.

The solar arc cycles of a planet are cycles of a longer duration than the transits cycles of that same planet.


At any one point, you might experience multiple overlapping cycles in relation to a planet or domain of life, and therefore experiencing multiple overlapping conditions.

There is an order of magnitude between the different cycles that helps understand which one is prevailing, and which ones are secondary even though they are having their effect upon your life.

The transit to a natal point or planet is the most important, followed by a solar arc direction to a natal point or planet, followed by a transit to  a solar arc point or planet and finally a transiting planet making an aspect to another transiting planet.

The second element to consider is the type of aspect made. The conjunction is the most powerful, closely followed by the opposition. Then in a descending order of power, you have the trine, the square, the sextile, the semi sextile and quincunx/inconjunct and finally, as the least powerful the semi square and the sesquiquadrate.

The third element which is actually the most important of all is the orb of the aspect as the closer to a zero orb the aspect is, the more potent it is. The zero orb being the most potent of all.

Finally, there is also a distinction being made between a transiting planet making an aspect by direct motion, retrograde motion, or being stationary. The most effective part of a transit cycle is the time when the transiting planet is stationary before going retrograde or direct, followed by the time when it is retrograde.

One final point: when you have overlapping cycles, they will all be experienced. They don’t cancel each other. They must be considered as a combination of energy, each pertaining to the planets involved.

The progressed chart and the transits to the progressed planets and points are concerned with your personal evolution and how you will experience the conditions you will meet in life, at the personal level. 

It is indicative of what you will feel when you experience these conditions.

The personal progressed planets are therefore the relevant ones here, along with the progressed points.

Finally, and this is the most important point, predictive astrology is primarily about predicting the conditions you will meet in life. Conditions that are shown by the planets cycles.

The prediction of events is derived from the understanding and interpretation of the conditions you will meet, as indicated by the planets’ cycles. For each condition encountered in your life, there will be a sample of typical events that happen during these cycles and under these conditions. 

You will be the best person to judge which of the typical events experienced during the conditions indicated by the planets cycles are the most likely to be the relevant ones for you and your life. A good understanding of yourself and your life based on the interpretation of your natal astrological chart will also help you guess which kind of typical event among the sample is most relevant to you, and your life. And as you get closer to the time when a specific event is going to happen, then you’ll be able to better and better guess which one will be the relevant one, and its specific details.

Predictive astrology is not about predicting very specific events with a 100% or near 100% accuracy ratio. That is the domain and expertise of mediums, including people with precognitive abilities.

Predictive astrology is about predicting the conditions you will meet in life.

Actually, the most powerful way to accurately predict future events is to combine the predictive ability of mediums with predictive astrology.