A job or a profession ?

There is a difference between a job and a profession.

Astrology also do differentiate between work and career.

There is a difference between your daily activity at work which is your job and a work that you trained for and for which you have acquired an expertise after years of experience which is your profession.

In Astrology, it is reflected in the difference between House 6 of work and House 10 of profession

Saturn/Capricorn is associated with the House 10 of profession/career whereby Mercury/Virgo is associated with House 6 of day to day work.

House 6 is your job, your day to day activity.

House 10 is your profession, what you get known for, your “professional field”.

The House 10 is above the horizon (Ascendant-Descendant axis) and has to do with your relationship to the outside world and other people whereby House 6 is below the horizon and has more to do with you and your personal affairs.

From a job/day to day work versus profession/career standpoint, a job, your day to day work is something you do every day, your daily activity, or something you do “to pay the bills”. It is also something that you don’t necessarily intend to do for many years.

If you take a courier job or a servicing job in a resort for the summer for example, it will last two three months, doing the same thing day after day after day. You can even do the courier job for a year or two.

You’re still on a short cycle compared to Saturn and your career/profession.

It takes more than a couple of months to learn a profession such as plumber, electrician, accountant and it takes years of practising/doing/learning on the job, accumulating experiences to develop an expertise. It takes years.

Same with regards to a career, a career takes years to develop. You don’t usually get promoted and take on responsibilities and take on more responsibilities in just a couple of months or even a couple of years. It takes many many years to climb the ladder as they call it.

That is why Saturn/Capricorn/House 10 is associated with the profession and career and Mercury/Virgo/House 6 is associated with the job as in what you do every day and what you do to pay the bills but not have a career of doing it.

(Mercury has a much shorter orbital period (88 days) than Saturn (29 years), so much shorter cycle.)

The difference is also with the fact that the House 10 is the public house, not in term of crowd but in term of the world at large. When you get recognition for something you did well at work (House 6), your boss tells you “well done”. This won’t be a public statement, you and him know about it, few colleagues too but that’s it. That’s the House 6.

When you get recognition in your professional field, for your career and that will include the big promotion, the world at large is made aware of it. If you get a distinction, that news reaches a wider audience than just a few colleagues. If you get the big time promotion, the all company, all employees not just a few are made aware of it. That’s the House 10.

When it comes to Predictive Astrology, what happens with your House 6 and its lord(s) relates to “the job” and your daily activity whereby what happens with your House 10 and its lord{s} relates to “your profession and your career”.

A Jupiter transit to your natal House 6 or to its lord means an increase in workload, daily activity. It means also luck with regards to getting a “job”. A Jupiter transit to your natal MC/House 10 or its lord(s) means that you’re having a tail wind professionally, you don’t necessarily have more workload rather you’re having some success professionally (not necessarily a promotion).

Saturn transit over your natal House 6 would bring a “heavier” time when it comes to your work, heavier workload, more responsibilities; things are getting more difficult at work. Saturn transit over your natal MC/House 10 will be a peak time professionally, from a career perspective.

These transits to your natal houses are referring to your personal/life evolution. If you’re looking for a specific event linked to those transits, that evolution, then you will need to have a corresponding configuration in the Solar Arc charts. The progressed charts will show you how you feel about it, how you personally see/feel that evolution.

Predictive Astrology can help you guess what is coming for you and figure out what cycle you’re in with regards to your life, your life evolution, personal evolution and life events.

Predictive Astrology can help you understand, manage and even anticipate your life evolution cycles and the personal ones too.