My specialty is Predictive Astrology.
Using Predictive Astrology, I can help you guess what is coming for you and figure out what cycle you’re in with regards to your life, your life evolution, personal evolution and life events.
Predictive Astrology can help you understand, manage and even anticipate your life evolution cycles and the personal ones too.
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The Natal Chart Wheel (also called Birthchart or Horoscope) is a blueprint of your life and yourself. It shows your potentials and tendencies. It describes your attitudes and patterns of behavior, your human and spiritual nature, and gives insights into one’s life potentials.
If you look at the chart as a roadmap of your life, in an evolutionary sense (including personal evolution), it will show the conditions you will meet in life. Some of the roads on which you will travel your life’s journey will be easy, others difficults; some journeys will be undertaken of your own initiative, some as a result of the direct or indirect action or influence of other people or of events in the outside world. Your chart will give unvaluable insights into understanding yourself and your life, your life’s journey, your personal journey, other people and life in general.
Predictive Astrology can help you guess what is coming for you and figure out what cycle you’re in with regards to your life, your life evolution, personal evolution and life events.
Using different charts, I have been able to successfully guess my own life’s evolution from a personal perspective as well as from an events perspective, and similarly give guidance to other people helping them successfully anticipate their own personal/life evolution and events in their life.
Predictive Astrology can help you understand, manage and even anticipate your life evolution cycles and the personal ones too.
Your Life Evolution. Your Personal Evolution. Past, Present and Future.
For example, you might want to know if/when your next professionnal opportunity or change may be or if this is a good period to have a good dating experience. You might also wonder why you are so tired and how long it will last. Will this year be good for socializing ? How about my new boyfriend/girlfriend, is our relationship going to last ? How about my health ? When will I get paid ? Will I move home ? When is my next good period, my next bad period ? Am I going to fall in love ? Am I going to lose my job ? Is my self esteem going to be boosted anytime soon ? I am thinking of changing job but I am scared, is it a good time to do so ? Will I quickly get a job if I quit my current one and relocate to another city ? How is the coming year shaping up for me ?
Will it help you to know that the charts indicate more responsibilities at work soon or that about three years from now your finances will be tight, or that next year, your fear of dating or conservatism when it comes to sex and dating will go away or that right now you shouldn’t believe what you believe, that you have pink glasses on right now and are not seeing things as they truly are, that you are giving yourself or somebody is giving you false hope from a professionnal perspective or from a relationship perspective, that you are fooling yourself when it comes to your career evolution perspective.
Do you want to know more about yourself and your life combined and what that means for your future : which part of my life has protection, where I am lucky and in what part of my life can I expect difficulties or am I at risk of having a hard time, some crisis time, am I likely to have a large family or am I at risk of not having children, will I have successfull, happy, stable relationships or on the contrary am I more the butterfly type or the one who has an unstable love and relationship life, can I expect a divorce in my life, multiple marriages maybe, will I live away from home, what type of person am I attracted to, what can I expect from a professional perspective, from a love, dating, marriage, health, friends, social life, body, health, money, home perspective ?
The charts will help you guess your life and personal evolution as well as events in the short term or long term.